You can find the official website by clicking on the following link
5-7 April 2024
At 22:00 on Friday night in the Paseo del Salón, Granada.
At 22:00 on Friday night in the Paseo del Salón, Granada.
At 06:00 hours on Saturday in the town of Cenes de la Vega.
At 08:00 hours on Saturday in the town of Quéntar.
At 09:00 hours on Sunday in the town of Pinos Genil.
101 kms
74 kms
60 kms
40 kms.
25 kms.
The ULTRA starts at the Paseo del Salón, in the city centre of Granada. From there, the route will take participants to the Dehesa del Generalife and, after continuing along the Darro river basin, to the village of Beas. From here the route heads towards Quentar and then on to the town of Pinos Genil. The course of the Genil River marks the beginning of the most demanding section of the race: the ascent to Sierra Nevada. 40 kilometres in which it will be necessary to overcome a difference in altitude of approximately 2,300 metres to reach the top of the race in the vicinity of Pico Veleta at an altitude of more than 3,200 metres. From there, a vertiginous descent will lead to the finish line at the Pradollano Ski Resort, at an altitude of 2,200 m.
It shares with the ULTRA the itinerary, control points and refreshment stations of the 74 kilometres that run from the town of Cenes de la Vega to Pradollano, where the finish line of the all modalities will be installed.
It shares with the ULTRA the itinerary, control points and refreshment stations of the 62 kilometres that run from the town of Cenes de la Vega to the first pass through Pradollano, where the finish line of the four modalities will be installed.
It shares with the ULTRA and TRAIL the itinerary, control points and refreshment stations of the 40 kilometres that run from the town of Quéntar to the first pass through Pradollano, where the finish line of the four modalities will be installed.
It shares with the ULTRA, TRAIL and MARATHON the itinerary, control points and refreshment stations of the 25 kilometres that run from the town of Pinos Genil to the first pass through Pradollano, where the finish line of the four modalities will be installed.
A maximum time of 23 hours is established to complete the route.
A maximum time of 15 hours is established to complete the route.
A maximum time of 10 hours is established to complete the route.
A maximum time of 5 hours is established to complete the route.
For ULTRA and TRAIL runners, it is recommended to have a medical check-up to certify their fitness to carry out sports activities such as trail running.
The race bibs for the five modalities can be collected exclusively at the Polideportivo Municipal de Cenes de la Vega.
Thursday from 17:00 to 21:00 in Cenes de la Vega for all modalities. Friday from 12:00 to 21:00 in Cenes de la Vega and Saturday in Cenes de la Vega from 17:00 to 21:00 for MEDIA.
To collect your bib number you will need an official identification document (ID card or passport) and a federation licence if you are a member of the federation.
The bib is personal and non-transferable. In the event that the race bib holder is unable to collect the bib, it may be collected by a third person on presentation of authorisation and a photocopy of the bib holder’s ID card.
The bibs must always be clearly visible on the abdominal part throughout the race.
A bib drop-off will be available 1 hour before the start in exceptional cases, subject to prior consultation via email.
Yes, for all modalities. For the ULTRA and TRAIL there is also an intermediate wardrobe where runners can pick up their bags. The first point is in Pinos Genil and the second, for the three modalities, at the finish line in Pradollano.
The wardrobe timetable is 1 hour before the start of each modality.
At the Control Point in Pinos Genil there will be an intermediate wardrobe for those registered in the ULTRA and TRAIL. All backpacks at the finish line will be kept in the wardrobe located next to the canteen, changing rooms and recovery area which will be set up at the finish line.
The wardrobe will be located at the start line. There, the two backpacks with the material will be delivered, one in Pinos Genil and the other in Pradollano.
It is not necessary, the organisation will deliver the backpacks already identified, which must be handed in at the wardrobe.
It is compulsory to show your bib number in order to hand in your backpacks and it is advisable to carry an official identification document.
The boxes open one hour before the start. At that time, chip verification and equipment checks will begin.
There will be several checkpoints along the route. Between 8 and 10 checkpoints along the route.
The ULTRA has 7 refreshment points + refreshment at the finish line.
The TRAIL has 4 refreshment points + refreshment at the finish line.
The MARATHON has 2 refreshment points + finish line refreshment.
The MEDIA has 1 refreshment point + finish line refreshment point.
YES There will be a fixed medical assistance point in Pinos Genil, at the Veleta and at the finish line in Pradollano. Two mobile assistance teams will also be available throughout the race.
YES The organisers of the ULTRA SIERRA NEVADA have planned a shuttle bus service for all the runners who wish to take part in the ULTRA, TRAIL and MARATHON races, which will connect Granada and Pradollano with their respective municipalities where the start of the race will take place. In the case of the ULTRA, it will connect Pradollano with Granada, in the case of the TRAIL it will connect Granada and Pradollano with the town of Cenes de la Vega and in the case of the MARATHON it will connect Granada and Pradollano with the town of Cenes de la Vega.
The bus leaves from the roundabout of the steam engine, at the end of Paseo de la Bomba, in the case of Granada. In the case of Pradollano, it departs from the Pradollano car park.
The bus for the ULTRA participants leaves at 20:00 on Friday for the START in Granada.
The bus for the participants of the TRAIL from Granada leaves at 5:15 a.m. on Saturday to the START in the town of Cenes de la Vega. The bus from Pradollano leaves at 4:30 a.m. on Saturday.
The bus from Granada for the participants of the MARATHON leaves at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday to the START in the town of Quéntar. The bus from Pradollano leaves at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday. The bus from Cenes de la Vega leaves at 7:15 a.m. on Saturday
The bus from Granada for the participants of the MEDIA leaves at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday to the START in the town of `Pinos Genil. The bus from Pradollano leaves at 7:30 a.m. on Sunday.
A race tracking plan will be published on the website with the best places to watch the race live.
The general public can access through the race website the evolution of the head of the race through the control points and the entrance of the participants to the finish line. Thanks to the integration of the timing system with the ranking management software, we can share the results of the event in real time both at the finish area and on the internet.
No. Registration is personal and non-transferable.
Yes, you can change the bib name up to 15 days before the event, as long as the bibs are not sold out and there is no waiting list. The administration fee is €5.
The change of modality is valid as long as it is done before the closing date of registration and there are bibs available in the modality of the change. If you change to a lower category, the difference will be credited minus a €3 administration fee. If you wish to change to a higher category, you can do so as long as there are still bibs available, you will have to pay the difference.
The organisation has a civil liability insurance policy in accordance with current legislation.
YES All finishers will receive a personalised medal according to the distance they are finisher of.
Yes, all partreceive a personalised technical T-shirt of the race.icipants of the ULTRA, TRAIL and MARATHON will
YES In the Sports Centre of Cenes de la Vega.
YES There will be a free bus service Pradollano – Granada for the participants of the four modalities. The times are: 14:00 / 16:30 / 19:00 / 21:30 and Sunday at 12:00 and 14:30.
YES Accompanying persons who have previously booked and purchased their bus ticket on the website, will be able to use the bus service of the accompanying persons programme that will connect Granada and Pradollano to watch the arrival of the runne Afterwards, they will be able to use the same bus as their accompanying runner to return to Granada.
The bus service offered by the organisation for accompanying persons leaves from the railway roundabout at the end of Paseo de la Bomba, Granada, at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. The bus will leave at that time for Pradollano, where the finish line is located, and where the first runner is expected to arrive at 11:00.
For COVID reasons, the prize-giving will take place in the finish area as the podiums are completed.
The UNICAJA ULTRA SIERRA NEVADA was created to enjoy the natural environment of the Sierra Nevada and all the beauties that exist in Granada and its province with the utmost respect for the natural environment.
Once again this year, we continue with the same enthusiasm, with a spectacular route starting in the city of Granada, passing through the towns of Beas, Quentar, Pinos Genil and arriving at the ski resort of Pradollano having reached the summit of the Veleta at an altitude of 3,100 metres. In total 100 kilometres of mountains and nature that will be tough but unforgettable.
As always, we will need all the help we can get to make Granada and the Sierra Nevada a reference point for tourism and sport, thus helping to create new economic expectations for the province. You know that these are two days of hard work, but also of sharing and enjoying the mountain, as well as bringing the participants closer to their ultimate goal, which is to cross the finish line in an epic race like the Ultra Sierra Nevada.
You too can be part of this project! Become a volunteer, join the Unicaja Ultra Sierra Nevada family and spend a few days collaborating with us. To experience this adventure just fill in the form, tell us which of the following performances you would like to participate in, the days available (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We thank you for your cooperation.
Bibs, cloakroom, guidance and orientation for runners in the race area.
Organise the runners at the start.
Material control.
Welcome, guide and orientate them on arrival.
Toilets and doctors for refreshment posts and finish area.
Go with the last broom team after the last runner closing the race (safety measure). For this function, teams will be formed to carry out each section between refreshment posts.
Unicaja is a Spanish bank that offers financial products and services for individuals and companies.
Unicaja collaborates with the Unicaja Ultra Sierra Nevada in its strategy to promote sport in its area of action.
More than 800 kilometres of coastline, three National Parks and cities such as Granada are Andalusia’s calling card, but this land is much more.
The province of Granada, a privileged tourist and sports destination, allows the traveller to practice trail running, skiing or cycling in the highest mountain range of the Iberian Peninsula, Sierra Nevada.
The Diputación de Granada collaborates with the Unicaja Ultra Sierra Nevada to strengthen its commitment to the promotion of sport in the natural environment and territorial cohesion.
Sierra Nevada, the southernmost ski resort in Europe, collaborates with the Unicaja Ultra Sierra Nevada by offering a wide range of facilities for the runners through the ski area.
JOMA, the leading sports footwear brand, collaborates with the Unicaja Ultra Sierra Nevada to strengthen its strategy in the trail running sector.
HSN, the leading sports nutrition company, strengthens its ongoing commitment to support the sports community in their pursuit of extraordinary challenges and achievements.
HSN collaborates with the Unicaja Ultra Sierra Nevada by offering all participants the best sports nutrition at the refreshment posts and finish line.